Caravan Magazine

A journal of politics and culture

Drone Warfare


The Calm Before the Swarm: Drone Warfare at Sea in the Missile Age

The U.S. Navy is still far from a revolutionary shift toward a fleet fully integrated with autonomous platforms. While the Navy is exploring the role of unmanned systems in future combat scenarios, the reality is that the transition to a…


Bringing the Swarm to Life: New Roles and Missions for Drone Warfare

As military technology continues to evolve, the potential of drone swarms to shape future conflicts has captured the imagination of strategists worldwide. From the U.S. Department of Defense’s Project Replicator to Ukraine’s ambitious goal of producing a million low-cost drones…


Uncrewed Systems and the Evolution of U.S. Warfighting Capacity

The U.S. military of 1945, which stormed Europe and ultimately defeated Nazi forces, was unrecognizable from the military of just five years earlier. Revolutionary technologies across land, air, sea, and the electromagnetic spectrum brought transformative change, enabling joint amphibious operations,…