Caravan Magazine

A journal of politics and culture

U.S. Defense Strategy


Reassessing U.S. Defense Strategy: Preparing for Protracted Conflict with China

As tensions between the United States and China intensify, particularly regarding Taiwan, U.S. defense strategy remains fixated on the prospect of a quick, decisive victory. The prevailing view is that the U.S. must be prepared to thwart a Chinese invasion…


How the Ukraine War Accelerates U.S. Defense Strategy

In the world of defense strategy, the wisdom of prioritization is often emphasized. Frederick the Great once said, “Little minds try to defend everything at once, but sensible people look at the main point only; they parry the worst blows…


Ukraine and the New Two-War Construct: The Future of U.S. Defense Strategy

How much security is enough security? During the Cold War, the answer seemed straightforward. The U.S. had one adversary: the Soviet Union. The goal was clear — deter and, if necessary, defeat. But the last three decades have shown that…